Industry Info

Method of rapid production of high quality organic fertilizer

Green environmental protection is widely advocated, and the concept of green agriculture and organic agriculture is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Making organic fertilizer can not only turn waste into treasure, reduce environmental problems, but also provide high-quality fertilizer for agriculture. Fermentation is the basic principle of organic fertilizer production, which has a wide range of sources of raw materials. According to the source of raw materials and the use of organic fertilizers, there are many ways to make organic fertilizers. Here we introduce a kind of rapid organic fertilizer manufacturing process.

1.Material Ratio
After inoculation, 1 kg organic fertilizer fermentation powder and 10 kg bran powder (corn flour, mushroom residue, etc.) were fully blended and mixed into 5 tons of animal manure and some straw or humus soil were added to mix evenly.

2.Moisture Regulation
The water content of fermentation material should be controlled at 50-60%. Its simple judgment method is: grasp the fermentation material tightly, finger seam watermarking but not dripping, loose and fall to the ground can be dispersed as appropriate. If the juice can be extruded and not dispersed on the ground, the moisture content is more than 75%. Too dry and too wet are not conducive to fermentation, so it should be adjusted.

3.Material Stacking
When the fermentation reactor is built, it cannot be done too small, which will affect the fermentation. The trapezoidal reactor with a height of 1.2m to 1.5m (the conical reactor with a tip of 1.5m to 2m), a width of 2m to 2.5m and a length of 2m to 4m have better fermentation effect.

4.Start-up Temperature
Start-up temperature should be better than 15 ℃ (start fermentation indoors or in Greenhouse in winter, and start fermentation in alpine areas according to the technicians'guidance method).

5.Turn Heap Ventilation. 
During the fermentation process, proper oxygen supply and heap turning should be paid attention to (when the temperature rises to 60-70 ℃ or above, it needs to be turned over in time, usually three times). The temperature should be controlled at 65 ℃. The high temperature has an effect on nutrients.
organic fertilizer fermentation
6.Fermentation Completion
Generally, after 48 hours of material accumulation, the temperature rises to 50-60 ℃ and on the third day it can reach above 65 ℃. In this high temperature, it is necessary to flip it once. Generally, there will be two or more high temperatures above 65 ℃ in the fermentation process. Two or three times of turning can complete the fermentation, and within 10 days of normal fermentation. The material was dark brown and the temperature began to drop to room temperature, indicating that the fermentation was completed.

7.Organic Fertilizer Preservation Method
a) Store in a cool, dry place.
b) Fermented organic fertilizer is mainly used as base (bottom) fertilizer. Before planting, the fertilizer is evenly sprayed and ploughed into the soil. If strip or furrow application is adopted, attention should be paid to preventing seedling burning in concentrated application of fertilizers, and the amount of fermented organic fertilizer per mu should be determined according to the actual situation of crop fields.
c) When using fermented organic fertilizer as topdressing fertilizer, we must replenish water in time.
d) When the manufacturer of fermented organic fertilizer uses dry land crops in high temperature season, it must pay attention to reducing the amount of application appropriately to prevent seedling burning.