Industry Info

Utilization of chicken manure and treatment of organic fertilizer equipment (Ⅱ)

Silage ammoniated feed:
Fresh chicken manure can be used as feed for cattle, sheep and pigs after silage. The fresh chicken manure was mixed with straw, wheat straw, fruit and vegetable waste which was crushed by straw mill, and silage was carried out, among which the best effect was with the feed containing more sugar. Chicken manure accounted for 30% of raw materials, and straw accounted for 70%. Urea ammoniation treatment was used to Dissolve 3 kg urea in 60 kg water, spray 100 kg straw layer by layer evenly, and mix silage. Ammoniated feed is brown yellow or reddish brown, with bright color and fragrance.
Air-dried crush:
The fresh chicken manure is evenly mixed with about 30% straw or rice bran, and then exposed to the sun after stirring. The thickness of the manure layer is less than 15 centimeters, stirred by a nail-tooth rake, and the water content is reduced by less than 10%. After drying, chicken manure is crushed and processed into pellet feed (industrial method of organic fertilizer production line), which can be used as livestock feed.
Biogas fermentation:
Chicken manure is one of the raw materials for biogas fermentation, which can be used to produce biogas. Medium and small fermentation ponds were established, and biogas could be produced after 10-20 days fermentation. If livestock manure is insufficient, it needs to be matched with fibrous raw materials such as straw. Before the fibrous raw materials are put into fermentation pond, they should be pretreated and crushed by straw crusher (usually used in the pre-fermentation treatment of organic fertilizer production line). Biogas can be used as heating and fuel for life, and biogas residue can be used as bait or fertilizer.
chicken manure organic fertilizer 
Equipment Fermentation of Organic Fertilizer Production Line
The process of organic fertilizer fermentation equipment is: dewatering livestock and poultry manure, adding auxiliary materials and a variety of microbial fermentation bacteria to mix evenly, then conveying them to the top of the fermentation tower by belt conveyor, and turning over the tower once a day after 7 days to complete the fermentation process. Tower fermentation, full utilization of fermentation heat, fast fermentation speed, low energy consumption, good ventilation, deodorization only 1-2 days, fermentation using fermentation tank, good production environment, not affected by climate, can operate all-weather. Fermentation tank covers a small area and has a high degree of automation. But fermenter equipment is not only expensive, but also expensive to maintain.